Cats and Cream

Cats and Cream is a 2000 son of the great High Brow Cat. His dam is Quiet Cream, NCHA and NRHA money earning producer. His pedigree lists like a who's who of cutting.
On his papers:
High Brow Cat: LTE $110.102 The Number 1 cutting sire for 7 years running according to Equistat. His get have passed the $38.75 Million dollar mark and growing daily! To find the lastest news on this great stallion, please check . High Brow Cat, the way of the future!
High Brow Hickory: LTE $218,000 His get have earned in excess of $4 Million and growing daily.
Doc's Hickory: World Champion Sire, Reserve World Champion Sire, Superior Performance Offspring, Quarer Horse Congress Get Winners, ROM Halter Offspring, ROM Performance Offspring, NRHA Money Earners, NCHA Money Earners, Working Cow Horse Money Earners
Grulla San: Dam of AQHA High Point Performance Horse Offspring, AQHA Reserve High Point Performance Offspring, NCHA Money Earners, ROM Performance Offspring & Performance Point earners.
Smart Little Kitty: NCHA Leading Dam with get earnings of $306,783.61
Smart Little Lena: NCHA Triple Crown winner. NCHA Leading Sire, "The Legend" LTE $743,275 (shown only 8 times!)
Doc's Kitty: NCHA money earner, COA, Halter pt earner, performance pt earner, NCHA Producer
On the Dam's side:
Quiet Cream: Bred by Burnett Ranches, Fort Worth Tx. Dam to NRHA money earners, NCHA money earners and NCHA COA's.
Preferred Pay: Stood at 6666 Ranch for years, Sire of NCHA Futurity Finalist, Preferred Monkey. Sire of halter point earners, Performance Point earners, NCHA & NSBA Money earners. He is a son of the AQHA Hall of Fame stallion, Dash for Cash who's get have earned in excess of $40 Million.
Fancy Three: ROM Performance,Race Money Earner, Halter Point earner. Dam to AQHA Champion offpring, ROM Performance Offspring, ROM Race Offspring, Race Money Earners, Halter Point earners. Total Race offspring earnings $ 27,308
Blue Cream: Bred by SB Burnett Estate Fort Worth Tx, Dam to Performance Point earners, NCHA COA earning Offspring.
RBM Duster Wolf: Earner of 25 AQHA Halter Points, 80.5 AQHA Performance Points, 1962 Open Performance ROM, 1964 Open AQHA Champion, 1965 AQHA Open Superior Cutting. Sire of AQHA Halter Point Earners, AQHA Performance Point Earners, Performance ROM's, Superior Performance Awards, NCHA Sire of $27,578.04
Miss Holly Blob: Bred by and spent her entire life producing for SB Burnett Estate, Fort Worth TX. Dam to 20 foals. She was an own daughter of Hollywood Gold.
We feel this is the perfect cross for our Doczim Two D Two daughters. These foals are bred for a superior pedigree, as well as conformation, trainability, athletic ability as well as that all important "cow" bred into them.
They are raised out so they know how to move and handle themselves. These foals should be everything even the most discriminating buyer would want! Be sure you check them out early so you get your choice!!
Cats And Cream was trained by Jerry McGuire. If you click on the link to the most recent photos of him, there is a photo I took of him on his 3rd time on cows, dragging the rider's foot in the dirt!
More pictures of Cats And Cream