Zimafina Taylor

Zimafina Taylor is a mare of 1991. She is a daughter of Doczim Two D Two and Tee Bar Taylor. She is dark gold. This mare was started and rode on cows, she is very cowy. Zimafina is the dam to Cats Affire (foals 2007). Watch for her next foal by Cats And Cream!
Zimfandella Taylor

Zimfandella Taylor is another mare from the cross of Doczim Two D Two and Tee Bar Taylor. We lost Tee Bar shortly after this mare was foaled.
Zimfandella Taylor is the dam to Cats Silver Fox. Find him on the Foals 2007 page. He is for sale!
Zimalu Taylor

Zimalu Taylor is by Doczim Two D Two and out of Reno Taylor. Reno Taylor produced Super Lewie, NWCHA Futurity Champion.
Zimalu Taylor foaled a gorgeous sorrel filly by Cats And Cream in 2006. We papered the filly Cats Balu, and she has been sold.
Zimalu is the dam of Chakota Cat.